930 research outputs found

    Sir Thomas Gray's Scalacronica: a medieval chronicle and its historical and literary context

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    Sir Thomas Gray's Scalacronica is almost unique amongst medieval English chronicles in having been written by a knight, and it is therefore surprising that so little work has been done on it; this thesis attempts to remedy that omission. Gray's life is very well documented, as is that of his father (who was the source of much of the Scalacronica’s narrative of the reign of Edward II - and also its main subject). Thus, unusually with a medieval chronicle, it is possible to examine the work in the context of its author’s career, providing a valuable insight into the attitudes and learning of a member of the gentry classes in fourteenth-century England. The Scalacronica starts with a well known literary dream sequence in which Gray names some of his written sources. An analysis of this passage reveals much about Gray's learning and his methods as a historian - and about his literary pretensions. He also relied on stories gleaned from his father; the manner in which he integrated them with his written sources is equally revealing about his interests and priorities. As the elder Gray was close to the court of Edward II, his son's political commentary is particularly interesting, providing an alternative to the more usual pro-Lancastrian bias of medieval chroniclers. Furthermore, both the father and son were prominent in the administration of the Marches, so the Scalacronica has an obvious - but hitherto unrecognised - relevance to current historiographical debates on the role of the gentry. Finally, the Scalacronica has been widely regarded as a 'chivalric' chronicle, embodying the values of medieval romance. However, a close analysis of Gray's text reveals that while he admired and respected acts of martial heroism, his attitude to the trappings of fourteenth-century chivalric culture was highly disdainful, and even cynical

    Typed Norms for Typed Logic Programs

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    As typed logic programming becomes more mainstream, system building tools like partial deduction systems will need to be mapped from untyped languages to typed ones. It is important, however, when mapping techniques across that the new techniques should exploit the type system as much as possible. in this paper, we show how norms which play a crucial role in termination analysis, can be generated from the prescribed types of a logic program. Interestingly, the types highlight restrictions of earlier norms and suggest how these norms can be extended to obtain some very general and powerful notions of norm which can be used to measure any term in an almost arbitrary way. We see our work on norm derivation as a contribution to the termination analysis of typed logic programs which, in particular, forms an essential part of offline partial deduction systems

    A Backward Analysis for Constraint Logic Programs

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    One recurring problem in program development is that of understanding how to re-use code developed by a third party. In the context of (constraint) logic programming, part of this problem reduces to figuring out how to query a program. If the logic program does not come with any documentation, then the programmer is forced to either experiment with queries in an ad hoc fashion or trace the control-flow of the program (backward) to infer the modes in which a predicate must be called so as to avoid an instantiation error. This paper presents an abstract interpretation scheme that automates the latter technique. The analysis presented in this paper can infer moding properties which if satisfied by the initial query, come with the guarantee that the program and query can never generate any moding or instantiation errors. Other applications of the analysis are discussed. The paper explains how abstract domains with certain computational properties (they condense) can be used to trace control-flow backward (right-to-left) to infer useful properties of initial queries. A correctness argument is presented and an implementation is reported.Comment: 32 page

    Abstracting Builtins for Groundness Analysis

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    This note clarifies how to handle solution gathering meta-calls, asserts and retracts in the groundness analysis of Prolog

    RedAlert: Determinacy Inference for Prolog

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    This paper revisits the problem of determinacy inference addressing the problem of how to uniformly handle cut. To this end a new semantics is introduced for cut, which is abstracted to systematically derive a backward analysis that derives conditions sufficient for a goal to succeed at most once. The method is conceptionally simpler and easier to implement than existing techniques, whilst improving the latter's handling of cut. Formal arguments substantiate correctness and experimental work, and a tool called 'RedAlert' demonstrates the method's generality and applicability.Comment: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2011, 27th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'11) Special Issue, volume 11, issue 4-

    Inferring Argument Size Relationships with CLP(R)

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    Argument size relationships are useful in termination analysis which, in turn, is important in program synthesis and goal-replacement transformations. We show how a precise analysis for inter-argument size relationships, formulated in terms of abstract interpretation, can be implemented straightforwardly in a language with constraint support like CLP(R) or SICStus version 3. The analysis is based on polyhedral approximations and uses a simple relaxation technique to calculate least upper bounds and a delay method to improve the precision of widening. To the best of our knowledge, and despite its simplicity, the analysis derives relationships to an accuracy that is either comparable or better than any existing technique

    Range Analysis of Binaries with Minimal Effort

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    COTS components are ubiquitous in military, industrial and governmental systems. However, the bene?fits of reduced development and maintainance costs are compromised by security concerns. Since source code is unavailable, security audits necessarily occur at the binary level. Push-button formal method techniques, such as model checking and abstract interpretation, can support this process by, among other things, inferring ranges of values for registers. Ranges aid the security engineer in checking for vulnerabilities that relate, for example, to integer wrapping, uninitialised variables and bu?er over ows. Yet the lack of structure in binaries limits the e?ffectiveness of classical range analyses based on widening. This paper thus contributes a simple but novel range analysis, formulated in terms of linear programming, which calculates ranges without manual intervention

    Transfer Function Synthesis without Quantifier Elimination

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    Traditionally, transfer functions have been designed manually for each operation in a program, instruction by instruction. In such a setting, a transfer function describes the semantics of a single instruction, detailing how a given abstract input state is mapped to an abstract output state. The net effect of a sequence of instructions, a basic block, can then be calculated by composing the transfer functions of the constituent instructions. However, precision can be improved by applying a single transfer function that captures the semantics of the block as a whole. Since blocks are program-dependent, this approach necessitates automation. There has thus been growing interest in computing transfer functions automatically, most notably using techniques based on quantifier elimination. Although conceptually elegant, quantifier elimination inevitably induces a computational bottleneck, which limits the applicability of these methods to small blocks. This paper contributes a method for calculating transfer functions that finesses quantifier elimination altogether, and can thus be seen as a response to this problem. The practicality of the method is demonstrated by generating transfer functions for input and output states that are described by linear template constraints, which include intervals and octagons.Comment: 37 pages, extended version of ESOP 2011 pape

    Range and Set Abstraction using SAT

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    Symbolic decision trees are not the only way to correlate the relationship between flags and numeric variables. Boolean formulae can also represent such relationships where the integer variables are modelled with bit-vectors of propositional variables. Boolean formulae can be composed to express the semantics of a block and program state, but they are hardly tractable, hence the need to compute their abstractions. This paper shows how incremental SAT can be applied to derive range and set abstractions for bit-vectors that are constrained by Boolean formulae

    A Semantic Basis for Specialising Domain Constraints

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    This paper formalises an analysis of finite domain programs and the resultant program transformation. The analysis adds low valency (domain) constraints to clauses in order to reduce search. The technique is outlined with a worked example and then formalised using abstract interpretation. Correctness of the analysis and of the transformation is proved
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